Mrs. Jackie Jones,
Director of Handbells:

Jacquelyn Jones graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Music degree. She received her Education Certification a year later after student teaching in grades 1 through high school. She has been a choir director/music teacher in grades K through high school in New Orleans, Austin, Houston, Atlanta, and Oceanport in New Jersey. She especially enjoyed directing musicals and participating in choral competitions.  Jackie retired from Oceanport in 2005.

While in Atlanta, Jackie was director of Music at St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church for 8 years. A 5-octave handbell choir was formed in 1974. Three singing and two ringing choirs were added to the program. Two concerts with orchestra were performed by the adult choir following a fun time in choir camp held in the North Georgia mountains.

Jackie began the bell program here at St. Peter's in 1981. The King's Peal has participated in many bell festivals.  Bellissima Ringers has played for the community Thanksgiving service several times in addition to performing in several area festivals.  Auditioning for a chance to play in Disney World, the group performed there in 1991 and 1999.  In addition to running the handbell program, Jackie and her family have become active congregants at St. Peter's:  her children were raised and confirmed here, her son married, and her grandaughter baptised here.