Pledging FAQs

What is Pledging?

Pledged giving is how most Episcopalians support their congregations. A pledge is a statement of intent of what we expect to offer in the coming year, whether we offer it weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or in some other way.

  • Pledges are confidential . Only the Rector and Bookkeeper see the information.

  • Pledges allow you to make intentional decisions about your giving and to dedicate your gifts to the things you value most.

  • Pledges allow the Vestry to develop a responsible budget and know what to anticipate.

  • Pledges provide feedback through quarterly statements so we know where we stand with our intended giving goals.

  • Pledges can be adjusted up or down if a person’s circumstances change.

How much should I Pledge?

How much to pledge is a personal decision. The Biblical standard is a tithe - 10%, which the Episcopal Church affirms as the norm. Most people are on a journey to that goal. Some have reached that goal, and others are able to give even more.

We recommend that those who are new to pledging start off with an amount that reflects the importance of faith and St. Peter’s in their lives while also being achievable. Like an exercise plan or a diet, every little bit creates positive change.

Again, like an exercise plan, once we reach a plateau, we continue to grow by pushing ourselves further. How much differs for each of us. If pledging or regular giving is new, our pledge materials recommend starting at 3% and growing from there.

When do I Pledge?

Pledge cards will be mailed around October 24th. We ask that they be returned on November 5th during the service in a special ceremony we call “Ingathering.” Online forms will also be available.